这首诗语言通俗、流畅、生动、形象,读来亲切自然,颇有意思。 (原文)风轻轻的吹,吹进了我的家门。 我在窗前抚弄着柳枝,望着河岸上低矮的芦苇。 夜莺在树丛里唱着婉转的歌,它的歌声似乎让我听到春天的脚步近了。 池塘边,青蛙振着双翅,轻轻跳到荷叶上。 忽然我闻到一阵清香,是梅花散发的幽香。 我想,春天应该到了吧。 (译作)The wind blows gently. It is blowing into my house. I am stroking the willow branches before the window and looking at the low reeds by the river Bank. A nightingale is singing in the trees, its song seems to say that spring is coming near. On the pond'side a frog rises with a flap of his wings and walks on the lotus leaves. Suddenly there is a fragrant smell-the scent of plum blossoms. Then I know that spring has truly come.